Aircraft Maintenance (B1.1 & B2)
September 29, 2023 2024-01-18 13:41Aircraft Maintenance (B1.1 & B2)

Aircraft Maintenance (B1.1 & B2)
Vocational Education Program
Aircraft Maintenance
In English
Nika Tikanashvili
+995 595 04 08 08
Aria Nazarfarvar
Associate Professor
+995 557 57 65 91
Aims of the Program is to:
- Train maintenance specialists relevant to European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) standards. After implementation of education program aviation specialist shall be competitive on local and international markets and, within own competence shall assure aircraft maintenance with one of the two bellow listed directions.
- B1.1 – maintenance of structural elements, equipment, systems and powerplant of an aircraft;
- B2 – maintenance of aircraft instruments, avionics and electrical systems of an aircraft.
- Complete general education
- B2 level English language certificate or passing relevant exam determined by university
- medical document form №IV -100/A“, health certificate
Obligatory General Modules
Information Literacy 2
Entrepreneurship 3
Profession/Sector oriented modules
Electrical fundamentals
Basic Aerodynamics
Human factors
Aviation legislation
Digital techniques and electronic instrument systems B1
Electronic fundamentals B1
Material and hardware B1
Maintenance practices B1
Turbine aircraft aerodynamics, structures and systems (B1.1)
Gas Turbine Engines
Practice 1 (B1)
Practice 2 (B1.1)
Digital techniques and electronic instrument systems B2
Electronic fundamentals B2
Maintenance practice B2
Aircraft aerodynamics, structures and systems
Materials and hardware B2
Practice 1 (B2)
Practice 2 (B2)